This is an ongoing US and global project to help enthusiasts, scholars, practitioners, and curious parties learn more about shamanic living in a contemporary culture. The space here is devoted to sharing info, experiences and opinions about all forms of shamanic expression covering shamanism's multiple permutations. Among subjects explored are traditions, techniques, insights, definitions, events, artists, authors, and creativity. You are invited to draw from your own experiences and contribute.

What is a SHAMAN?

MAYAN: "a technichian of the Holy, a lover of the Sacred." CELTIC: "Empower the people...by changing the way we think." MEXICAN APACHE: "Someone who has simply learned to give freely of themselves..." AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL: "...a teacher or healer, a wisdom keeper of knowledge... (who) takes people to a door and encourages them to enter." W. AFRICAN DIAGRA: "views every event in life within a spiritual context." HAWAIIAN: "...human bridges to the spiritual world and its laws and the material world and its trials..." QUECHUA INDIAN: "embodies all experience." AMAZON: "...willing to engage the forces of the Universe...in a beneficial end for self, people, and for life in general."

-- from Travelers, Magicians and Shamans (Danny Paradise)

Monday, May 19, 2008

This weekend our group came together and Robin played a song that Josh Groban sings called "Let me Fall". Those words will become a balm for me when it comes time for me to fall. Spirit will guide you if you listen and when it is time to let go there is no drama, it just is.

                              "Let Me Fall" Josh Groban Lyrics

                                                 let me fall
                                               let me climb
                                      there's a moment when fear
                                          and dreams must collide

                                            someone i am
                                          is waiting for courage
                                              the one i want
                                             the one i will become
                                                   will catch me
                                                  so let me fall
                                                   if i must fall
                                              i won't heed your warnings
                                                   i won't hear them

                                                    let me fall
                                                     if i fall
                                             though the phoenix may
                                                 or may not rise

                                              i will dance so freely
                                           holding on to no one
                                               you can hold me only
                                                  if you too will fall
                                                   away from all these
                                                  useless fears and chains

                                                   someone i am
                                               is waiting for my courage
                                                   the one i want
                                                 the one i will become
                                                    will catch me

                                                   so let me fall
                                                    if i must fall
                                                  i won't heed your warnings
                                                     i won't hear

                                                     let me fall
                                                       if i fall
                                                 there's no reason
                                                to miss this one chance
                                                   this perfect moment
                                                     just let me fall  



walksinsacredspace said...

Thank you shewhofacesspirit for sharing the words to this beautiful melody. I pray to be fluid with the falling into the one i will become.

This morning I drew a Rune after asking, What's next? in relationship to my apprenticeship journey moving forward with the weekend's experience. It was the blank rune, The Unknowable. To paraphrase,this is the rune of total trust (exactly the struggle I was in last week)and should be taken as evidence of your most immediate contact with your own true destiny which, time and again, rises like the phoenix from the ashes of what we call fate. This rune may bring to the surface our deepest fears and yet our highest good, our truest possibilities and our all fertile dreams are held within that blankness. The blank rune often calls for no less an act of courage than an empty-handed leap into the void. May I leap with grace.

Allowing the light said...

Thank you for reminding us of these words and putting them out for other people. They made me cry again... It is such a precious, intimate moment for each one of us. One so hard to put into words, one so difficult to share about. And yet it is a story of love and hope and birth. I wish those words comfort and inspire many, and feel like loving arms able to open up and let a child go and walk her way, even if she falls...

Allowing the light said...

Just on a side note:
This song & music were originally used by the Cirque du Soleil for one of their show. And guess what: flying acrobats performed on it!... I found it interesting as this last WE, several of us saw the metaphor of acrobats / trapezists when we were asked who we would be if we were in a circus. So let us fall and fly... Here is the link with the (inspiring) video on youtube: