Your eyes are wide like sky-city bubble jewels
Lighting up the night
A crystalline metropolis of intrigue
A knowingness humming behind these double orbs
Twin portals of deep thought
Blown open
Like a thrust of air and wave
I feel your gaze shoot through my singing bowels of sight
Home in on my tune
A ringing ghostly sound you make
Finetuning corner into curve
Dead end into destiny
Primal predatory panic into patient pause
I need only ask
You engineer escapes
Before I turn to smile in thanks
You devise another way to disappear
I feel the thumping of your wings
Lift with elegance
Elevating higher
From your gaping eyes I hear only heartlife
I see only panoramic palisades
The curtain of dark undrawn in a blink
Is to know what you know
Think what you think