During our shamanic apprenticeship phone conference last week, the topic regarding the "calling in" of an animal in nature was discussed.
Ever since I can remember, I have had a strong relationship with the natural world. Years ago, during endurance training and long runs, it seemed that I was a magnet for the four legged, winged ones and water beings. The encounters were both enchanting and fascinating.
Since that time of calling in the eagles, fish, fox, deer and others, I was asked to take a pause and experience the natural world at a slower pace. The encounters continued and brought me many reassuring and comforting messages.
Recently, I have been graced with a new breath of life and find my self running once again to the familiar rhythm that connects me with the heartbeat of the earth. In the past several weeks, I have called in the fish at the dawn of the day with my yoga routine and a hawk during a mid day run.
Last week, during a morning run, just after tuning in with the drum-like rhythm of my foot strikes, I thought to myself, "Perhaps I will see a woodpecker today". Approximately two minutes later, I was presented with a close encounter of the most beautiful woodpecker I have ever seen! I believe it was a Pileated woodpecker, the one that Woody is fashioned after, not your small downy variety. It swooped and dived several times about 12 feet in front of me, then landed on a branch for a moment, then flew out of sight.
This all took place at the same spot on the trail which I had closely encountered a hawk years ago and a fox this past fall during a run. Perhaps a magical spot?
Now that I look back on these wonder-full encounters, I notice that I have created a portal in nature. Whether on the path of my run or in the setting of my intention, with the drum beat of life, I am able to call in and meet with one of my greatest teachers, deeply stirring the rhythms within.