This is an ongoing US and global project to help enthusiasts, scholars, practitioners, and curious parties learn more about shamanic living in a contemporary culture. The space here is devoted to sharing info, experiences and opinions about all forms of shamanic expression covering shamanism's multiple permutations. Among subjects explored are traditions, techniques, insights, definitions, events, artists, authors, and creativity. You are invited to draw from your own experiences and contribute.

What is a SHAMAN?

MAYAN: "a technichian of the Holy, a lover of the Sacred." CELTIC: "Empower the people...by changing the way we think." MEXICAN APACHE: "Someone who has simply learned to give freely of themselves..." AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL: "...a teacher or healer, a wisdom keeper of knowledge... (who) takes people to a door and encourages them to enter." W. AFRICAN DIAGRA: "views every event in life within a spiritual context." HAWAIIAN: "...human bridges to the spiritual world and its laws and the material world and its trials..." QUECHUA INDIAN: "embodies all experience." AMAZON: "...willing to engage the forces of the Universe...in a beneficial end for self, people, and for life in general."

-- from Travelers, Magicians and Shamans (Danny Paradise)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Shamans and The Weather

Today being a rainy day, I have listened to quite a few people comment on how the weather is affecting their mood. I began to wonder how conscious we are of our relationship to weather, how it effects our mood and how we contribute to weather changes. As a collective consciousness, how do our thoughts and emotions affect weather energetics? I have read of Shamans being able to connect with the spirit of the elements and create a relationship with each element to assist them when needed. They are called Weather shamans and they hold the responsibility of working with the elements on behalf of their communities. They demonstrate unusual powers to call in or stop the rain or bring in a storm. It brings me to the reality that we as a culture are not taught to view these elements as “alive” spirits. We are not taught to create a conscious relationship to each element and are not aware of our inter connectedness.

With the growing reality of global warming and the effects of pollution, this brings me to thoughts as to how, as Shamans, we can create a relationship with the elements to try to support and perhaps create a shift in earth changes. Creating a goal not only to support other humans through change but also mother earth. I am going to do some further research on this topic. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

fearless.woman said...

Tere is a new book out called Weather Shamans by Nan Corbin and --- Moss, two of Harner's senior students who I have had a workshop with and really respect. I had planned to order it, and I would strongly recommend it sight unseen.It is being advertised now, so I bet it is gettable from Amazon.
I know that folks here in the country, who are supposedly more in tune do concern themselves with weather, but only in the pocketbook sense. Believe it or not, I have seen people drive down their farm lanes to get the mail - and not old or disabled folks.
I want to explore this area also. I think it is vital in the times to come that this area be worked with, even though it is not my primary concentration. I want to think about it as a little of my service and thanks to this planet. You might also check on Sandra Ingerman, another senior Harner person who is very involved with earth and water healing, who has gone from writing books about soul retrieval almost entirely into this area.