This is an ongoing US and global project to help enthusiasts, scholars, practitioners, and curious parties learn more about shamanic living in a contemporary culture. The space here is devoted to sharing info, experiences and opinions about all forms of shamanic expression covering shamanism's multiple permutations. Among subjects explored are traditions, techniques, insights, definitions, events, artists, authors, and creativity. You are invited to draw from your own experiences and contribute.

What is a SHAMAN?

MAYAN: "a technichian of the Holy, a lover of the Sacred." CELTIC: "Empower the people...by changing the way we think." MEXICAN APACHE: "Someone who has simply learned to give freely of themselves..." AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL: "...a teacher or healer, a wisdom keeper of knowledge... (who) takes people to a door and encourages them to enter." W. AFRICAN DIAGRA: "views every event in life within a spiritual context." HAWAIIAN: "...human bridges to the spiritual world and its laws and the material world and its trials..." QUECHUA INDIAN: "embodies all experience." AMAZON: "...willing to engage the forces of the Universe...in a beneficial end for self, people, and for life in general."

-- from Travelers, Magicians and Shamans (Danny Paradise)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Links to Videos

I found these shamanic videos you might enjoy




ancientwindrunner said...

Thank you HTT for sharing this.
The clarity of the "Shamans of the Amazon", video's message rang deep.
Calling all Shamans to protect the natural world - the lifeforce of the Mother.

Allowing the light said...

Thanks! I was deeply touched by the Inuit shaman life story -- in particular by what he said about evil shamans. I was also touched by his questioning about life and suffering. What a beautiful story teller and what a lesson! I had no idea that I could someday wish to go to such an extreme environment... but I think that I want to go visit there!