This is an ongoing US and global project to help enthusiasts, scholars, practitioners, and curious parties learn more about shamanic living in a contemporary culture. The space here is devoted to sharing info, experiences and opinions about all forms of shamanic expression covering shamanism's multiple permutations. Among subjects explored are traditions, techniques, insights, definitions, events, artists, authors, and creativity. You are invited to draw from your own experiences and contribute.

What is a SHAMAN?

MAYAN: "a technichian of the Holy, a lover of the Sacred." CELTIC: "Empower the people...by changing the way we think." MEXICAN APACHE: "Someone who has simply learned to give freely of themselves..." AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL: "...a teacher or healer, a wisdom keeper of knowledge... (who) takes people to a door and encourages them to enter." W. AFRICAN DIAGRA: "views every event in life within a spiritual context." HAWAIIAN: "...human bridges to the spiritual world and its laws and the material world and its trials..." QUECHUA INDIAN: "embodies all experience." AMAZON: "...willing to engage the forces of the Universe...in a beneficial end for self, people, and for life in general."

-- from Travelers, Magicians and Shamans (Danny Paradise)

Friday, September 9, 2011


An undisturbed tribe of indigenous Amazonians were caught on video this year for the first time to verify their true existence to Brazilian authorities. The rainforest tribespeople were filmed from a helicopter about 1 km away, using cutting-edge camera technology.

The reason for this exercise, according to Jose Carlos Meirelles, of FUNAI (the National Indian Foundation of Brazil), was to preserve the tribe’s lands and culture from loggers and other powerful interests who have plans to develop the land.

The intention of keeping the tribe shielded behind the trees; perfectly preserved inside its own natural bubble of frozen time is important and noble although ultimately futile. Not to sound pessimistic, but it seems unlikely to work for long. Whatever little is left of the world’s mysteries is rapidly being overturned, analyzed, and exploited by the hyperthinkers and doers who want everything figured out and turned into profit. The cost of the damage done is rarely factored and the earth’s natural harmony seems only to warrant fixing under this model.

As humanity looks to explore and conquor more physical space, the most important discoveries left to most of us remain buried away inside the psyche’s deepest wounds and greatest hopes--the inner frontiers, as poet David Whyte might describe them.

Advocates of a modern lifestyle might argue that these “primitives” would benefit from a dose of space-age enlightenment and other scientific and social advancements, which are only accessible to the industrialized person, and that they should be approached and "made better" by our ways.

Guardians of the world’s dying mysteries would say that the simple ways and practices of these people can better help them remain connected with the heart of nature and thereby the natural self, and they should be left alone.

Another cadre of people might believe that in order for both our peoples to survive, their voices and experiences ought to be heard, shared, honored, and integrated into society; for theirs is an essential wisdom that we can learn from; a wisdom that is healing and rapidly disappearing.

I belong to this last group. But the question still begs: should they be left alone? I regret that the answer is 'yes.'

In the end, the essential course of action may be to empower these people from a distance as we would a beautifully mysterious and forgotten version of ourselves that ghosts in and out of view when we sometimes look in the mirror. As you suit up to go to work, consider allowing the inner tribesperson in you to materialize today. It will help you look back at your mind’s camera mounted atop your inner observer’s helicopter with a stronger sense of wonder.

To read an article about the Tribe, visit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12325690

Thursday, September 8, 2011

David Jubb: Life Food Shaman Reshapes Raw

According to loyal supporters of David Jubb, raw food is out and "Life" food is IN. Jubb is a pioneer nutritionist, author, lecturer and shaman, who was a leading figure at this year’s Raw Life Festival at Angsbacka Course Center. According to one follower, Jubb once inspired the founders of the Landmark Education phenomenon, and his teacher, Cloud TwoChildren, remains his own top inspiration.

With a PhD and a list of other scientific credentials to his name, Jubb’s 40 years of experience have honed his remarkable abilities to read the body "like a book"; integrating indigenous wisdom and scientific methods along the way.

He started out using a series of games to read body language and he believes that such games are the best ways to tap a person’s highest potential. “Playfulness is a suspension of ordinary time. It reveals a state of mind and a state of being.”

To Jubb games were a way of exploring the “universe inside our mind,” which also became the name of his controversial TV show on Manhattan cable. His show explores subjects such as how the human “gut” has its own intelligence and the damaging effect of growth hormones. But Jubb is more than an entertainer and educator.

In earlier years, Jubb designed simple machines and techniques to help determine direction, focus and balance in people as a way of discerning how they approach life’s challenges.

“Every single thing which one does is a metaphor of the clearest of things happening in the unconscious mind.

He believes that sweat lodges, prayer circles, and similar ceremonies are places where people go to deliberately create darkness—which may start as a seeming situation of suffering, but ultimately these sacred spaces teach people how to think without interference.

LIFE COLLOID: A Soil Based Supervitalizer?
Jubb enthusiastically shared his discovery of “Life Colloid”—a supervitalizer mineral-organo complex, “It’s what is missing in the world. It can preserve you,” he says.

According to Jubb, the Life Colloid substance is found only in the earth’s oldest forests, “it’s the most ancient stuff and it carries every phytonutrient in the forest.” Life Colloid's rare availability only meant that Jubb had to spend hours studying satellite images to find a suitable enough deposit source in Australia.

Jubb’s research suggests that the intestinal tract carries 1,000 species of “good” bacteria, but it should carry around 80,000 species. And Life Colloid is meant to help with restoring these organisms to improve digestion and food absorbtion.

The Life Colloid provides a number of other benefits including increased immunity and glutathianperoxidase production, but the most interesting are the claims that it “snacks on contaminants,” in the body, and Jubb says that it supports DNA generation.

“People who try it feel something of themselves coming back more,” Jubb claims. “When you have it, you gain the intelligence of a wolf,” Jubb continues, suggesting that a significant increase in perception and awareness returns to those who ingest Life Colloid.

Jubb believes that Irish Moss is the best green superfood substitute available, but he cautions against the intake of too much in the way of green juices because of the alarmingly high amount of phospherous in these so-called superfoods. “A small amount of greens is fine, but it shouldn’t be relied on too heavily,” Jubb reasons. The high phospherous-calcium ratio in Spirulina, for example, creates bone deposits, fail to support the production of serotonin, and impact our sensitivity to bright light, according to Jubb.

Believing that humans are meant to be more “frugivorous,” Jubb encourages consumption of foods that come either from the body of a flower or the flower itself.

He also called on the raw food community to more actively promote the principal of life force in food, and use restraint with respect to certain foods like bananas, which are susceptible to “mould, fungus, and yeast.”

Jubb believes that the scientific establishment needs to be more environmentally focused and that there needs to be greater government disclosure about technologies that support clean energy, “the hand needs to be the people,” he says.

Limited by a collective agreement, science would benefit by shifting from shortsighted and unsustainable economic demands to a rational, logical process that it was designed to be, Jubb reasons. Moreover Jubb argues that the research world’s carrot and stick driven model of observation needs to instead be driven by the internal generation of intrinsic interests like learning, achievement, recognition and growth.

Jubb subscribes to 50,000 year old “Toltec” technologies from the Lemurian era, which he believes are the most naturally powerful teachings available. By putting nature first, Jubb finds that technology can naturalize humanity, “These are principals that are tried and tested from time immemorial.”

Finally, Jubb’s gentle nature and generous time availability struck me as a model of how healers can put forward their crafts as a service first.

In spite of 40 years of dedication and his global celebrity, every night Jubb spent at least a couple of hours offering a specialized sauna massage treatment to guests and providing diet consultations during the day, without the expectation of pay. Thank you, David.

For more information, visit, http://www.jubbslongevityeurope.com/